

指標醫療新創美商宇心生醫(QT Medical)榮獲美國數位健康獎項的決選入圍殊榮,在1500個競爭者中脫穎而出,成功入圍「兒童健康最佳類別」獎項,以肯定宇心在兒童健康領域的先驅地位以及傑出貢獻。
數位健康獎項由美國數位健康中心基金會(Digital Health Hub Foundation)頒發,旨在表揚以數位創新技術推動醫療變革的企業。2024 年獎項競爭異常激烈,超過 1500 家企業參賽,而宇心生醫在其中脫穎而出進入決賽名單,成為入圍「兒童健康最佳類別」的4家企業之一。最終得獎名單將於10月在 HLTH 年度大會的頒獎典禮上揭曉。

Everything You Need to Know About Your First Electrocardiogram Session

There are various types of ECGs a medical expert may request. The most common ones are the resting ECG, the stress test, the Holter monitor, and event recorders.
This article will provide you everything You Need to Know About Your First Electrocardiogram Session

Types of Electrocardiograms (ECG or EKG)

Today, there are various types of ECGs that doctors can order to
provide clear information about a patient’s cardiovascular wellness.




中央社:甫獲高通邀請加入QAN (Qualcomm Advantage Network)的宇心生醫(QT Medical),近日在美國市場再傳捷報,該公司順利拿下美國加州政府的大型標案,今年起,將為全加州37所監獄的10萬名受刑人提供遠距心電圖醫療服務,每年將提供超過6萬人次的12導程心電圖檢查,以及1萬人次的心臟專科醫師遠距診斷服務。


QT Medical 針對美國養老長照機構(SNFs)與遠距醫療服務,正式推出限時專案,一個12導程的專業醫療心電圖檢查服務,僅需美金30元。服務內容包含整套PCA500 12導心電圖系統 (含12導心電圖機的使用,拋棄式專利電極貼片、QT ECG APP 與HIPAA 規範的雲端報告系統)

CES 2022 實體展圓滿落幕 !

CES 2022 實體展圓滿落幕 !

19Labs, QT Medical Launch Complete Telehealth Solutions With 12-Lead Resting ECG, Ultrasound, & More

19Labs and QT Medical announced a collaboration, to bring comprehensive, cost-effective, and intuitive eClinics worldwide. 19Labs' GALE eClinics come in different form factors such as portable kits, healthcare kiosks, telehealth carts — and have a growing portfolio of 25+ smart diagnostic devices. The inclusion of QT Medical's PCA 500 further advances GALE eClinic's extensive diagnostic suite with proprietary algorithms and other powerful features.

